Always, Amy: A Sweet & Closed Door Enemies to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love Always Book 2) by Belinda Mary

Always, Amy: A Sweet & Closed Door Enemies to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Love Always Book 2) by Belinda Mary

Author:Belinda Mary [Mary, Belinda]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: pg
Publisher: H&J Publishing
Published: 2023-06-20T16:00:00+00:00


The morning sessions go by, with each one more informative than the next. My hand is cramping from taking so many notes, a fact that Lucas seems to find hilarious. So what if I brought my own colour-coded notebook? It will help me when I type up the notes from each session when I get home.

The presentation by Lucas’s European research group is well attended. In fact, it’s so popular that by the time the lecture starts, it’s standing-room only. Lucas and I sit up the front and I listen, enthralled at the findings of this study, showing how important the role of the nurse is in emergency medicine. I’m glowing with pride when I see our team acknowledged at the end of the presentation and turn to see Lucas watching me with a small smile on his face.

“Thanks for that, Lucas,” I gush, delighted to see the impact of the nurses I work with every day being acknowledged.

He nods. “I did nothing except report what I saw. And what I saw was a team that worked cohesively together. And you were a major part of that.”

I stare into his eyes as he says this, about to throw caution into the wind, forget my earlier pep-talk and tell him everything I’m feeling in this moment when—

“Lucas?” I turn to see a stunning woman standing behind me. Small and slim with long red hair, green eyes and a beautiful British accent. She looks like a Disney princess and even sounds like a real-life princess.

“Victoria?” Lucas says, his voice filled with shock. “What are you doing here?”

The two of them catch up while I stand by and watch, feeling awkward but also too curious about their relationship to slink away. It turns out that they both studied together in London, explaining that fancy accent of hers, and haven’t seen each other in years. And what’s that? Oh yes, Victoria keeps touching his arm and looking at him with her big doe eyes. Who is this person?

With an effort that I will applaud myself for later, I decide to extricate myself politely from this conversation.

“I’m going to go grab some lunch, before it runs out,” I say to no one in particular, given they seem to have forgotten I’m even standing here.

As I’m pointing my thumb toward the buffet table, Lucas seems to have found his manners and, after clearing his throat, he introduces us. “Vic, this is Amy. We work together over at Mercy Hospital. Amy, this is Vic, we’re old friends.”

I thought we were friends, Lucas, I think a little bitterly. Seems like, when Vic is around, we just “work together.”

I smile through clenched teeth and say, “Nice to meet you. I’ll leave you both to catch up. See you!” With a—fake—cheery smile, I turn and walk toward the buffet table. And then keep walking, right up to where Madi is manning her company booth, giving out information booklets and free pens. She takes one look at my face and tells her co-workers that she’s taking a break.


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